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Lori is a lifelong learner who is a shining example of "you don’t have to be twenty-one to have your whole life ahead of you!" Curiosity, talent, and an instinct to heal herself lead her to learn to tap dance in her 70s – which led to an audition for America’s Got Talent! With tap dancing under her belt she decided to pursue a writing career in her late 80s. Two of her essays were included in Chicken Soup for the Soul, and her new memoir Dare to Live is funny, poignant and adventurous — just like the woman herself. Lori’s story will inspire you to live your best life and reminds us all, "there’s always something more” no matter your age.

 Cindy Ratzlaff and Kathy Kinney
Authors of Queen of Your Own Life


©2022 by Julie Osborne

Logos and home page photo by Marilyn Lopez

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